Weather Words with Frank Ward


“Here it is the 29th of January and all I can say is, it’s been too warm and it’s been too wet. We’ve had, since last Thursday, tempaeratures of 46, 48, 37 and 36. All of those are way below normal considering our daytime highs should be 27 or 28 degrees. We can’t say anything about the condition of the sky. Unless you love the color gray, then you’re ecstatic. It’s been horrible.

And what’s fallen out of the sky is too much liquid. In fact, we did have snowfall yesterday, Sunday, Jan. 28, and it’s so wet that I just scraped off my front steps and its start to freeze. So you should get out there and get it out of the way while you still can. I’m not sure about the roads, however, I’m sure you’ll have to be careful driving.

Anyway, you can say if you’re under age 45, this is the wettest January you’ve ever seen. Because we’re now into this about five and a quarter inches worth of liquid. That pushes it all the way back to 1978. We won’t break that record, because that one was 6.8 inches worth of liquid for the month of January. So we’re not going to get that but this would have been about six feet of snow. So if you didn’t like shoveling snow you can sort of be happy with this month because there’s been very little of it. The ski slopes are in terrible shape because all this warm weather it’s melted most of what they put down. However, I don’t like shoveling snow, but I also don’t like everything. expanding and contracting. If you’re going into parking lots, be careful. There’s potholes everywhere. In fact, our main roads are starting to get potholes on them and it’s only January. It’s going to be a lot of road repair come this spring because we still have February and March still to go. So all this freezing and thawing is heaving everything, and it’s just going to be sort of miserable.

The outlook for the first week in February is: we’re going to have drier weather and back to normal temperatures. I’ll take some sunshine. I’m sure you will too. Have a good day.” ~ Frank Ward